Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

To get started with Raspberry Pi, we have to store required OS on SD card. Now to store OS on SD card we need to install OS on SD card. If you want to know how to install/store OS on SD card you can refer Installing Operating System Image on SD card. Here, we installed theContinue reading “Getting Started with Raspberry Pi”

How to use WiringPi Library on Raspberry Pi

Introduction WiringPi is a library written in C used to access GPIO pins on Raspberry for BCM2835 (Broadcom Processor) SoC (System on Chip). There are various libraries are available to access GPIO in C like bcm 2835, sysfs, pigpio, etc. Here, we are using WiringPi library for Raspberry Pi GPIO access. To use wiringPi, firstContinue reading “How to use WiringPi Library on Raspberry Pi”

Access Raspberry Pi Home Screen on Laptop Display using LAN(Ethernet)

Introduction Raspberry Pi is a small computer with provision of GPIO accessibility. But in order to access the Raspberry Pi, we need a display to log in and perform other tasks. If we have a Digital display or a TV screen then we can use it to access Raspberry Pi. But, if we don’t haveContinue reading “Access Raspberry Pi Home Screen on Laptop Display using LAN(Ethernet)”

Raspberry Pi PWM Generation using Python and C

Introduction PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is a modulation technique by which the width of pulse is varied while keeping the frequency constant. Through PWM technique, we can control the power delivered to the load by using ON-OFF signal. The PWM signals can be used for applications such as controlling the speed of DC motors, changingContinue reading “Raspberry Pi PWM Generation using Python and C”

Raspberry Pi UART Communication using Python and C

Introduction UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is a serial communication protocol in which data is transferred serially i.e. bit by bit. Asynchronous serial communication is widely used for byte oriented transmission. In Asynchronous serial communication, a byte of data is transferred at a time. UART serial communication protocol uses a defined frame structure for their dataContinue reading “Raspberry Pi UART Communication using Python and C”

Python based I2C functions for Raspberry Pi

Let’s see basic Python based I2C functions which are frequently used for I2C communication on Raspberry Pi. While developing program for Raspberry Pi I2C communication in python, we can use SMBus library package which has great support to access I2C devices. So, we should add SMBus support for Python by using apt packet manager, sudoContinue reading “Python based I2C functions for Raspberry Pi”

Using Raspberry Pi 3 On-Board Bluetooth for Communication

Introduction Raspberry Pi 3 has come up with a great on-board feature i.e. the on-board Bluetooth. So, there is no need to for external Bluetooth dongle. This frees up a USB port for other uses, which would otherwise be used up by the Bluetooth dongle. Raspberry Pi 3 has BCM43438 highly integrated single chip whichContinue reading “Using Raspberry Pi 3 On-Board Bluetooth for Communication”

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