8051 Interrupts

An interrupt is an event that occurs randomly in the flow of continuity. It is just like a call you have when you are busy with some work and depending upon call priority you decide whether to attend or neglect it.   Same thing happens in microcontrollers. 8051 architecture handles 5 interrupt sources, out ofContinue reading “8051 Interrupts”

Getting Started with 8051 and Keil IDE

8051 microcontroller can be programmed in two languages Assembly language C language 8051 microcontroller popular development IDE is MCU 8051 IDE and µVision to develop code. Keil µVision IDE consists, C Compiler – C51.Exe Assembler – A51.Exe Linker/Locator – BL51.Exe Librarian – LIB51.Exe Hex Converter – OH51.Exe Let’s develop simple LED blinking program using KeilContinue reading “Getting Started with 8051 and Keil IDE”

Introduction to 8051 Controller

Microcontroller consists of all features that are found in microprocessors with additional built in ROM, RAM, I/O ports, Serial ports, Timers, Interrupts and Clock circuits. It is entire computer on single chip which is embedded within applications. Microcontrollers are widely used in many domestic (washing machine, VCD players, microwave oven, robotics etc.) as well asContinue reading “Introduction to 8051 Controller”

Using Logic App for IoT remote monitoring and for sending notifications

Introduction Logic App is an Azure service which provides a way to automate processes as a series of simple steps. It can connect across various services and protocols. It begins with some trigger such as ‘When a certain message is received’, followed by a set of actions like ‘Send mail’. This makes Logic App perfect for monitoringContinue reading “Using Logic App for IoT remote monitoring and for sending notifications”

Using Web Apps to Visualize Real Time Data from IoT Hub

Introduction Web Apps is an Azure service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile backends. It allows development in a number of languages such as .NET, Ruby, PHP, etc. Web Apps empowers your application by adding features such as security, load balancing, auto-scaling and automated management to it. It provides DevOps capabilities such asContinue reading “Using Web Apps to Visualize Real Time Data from IoT Hub”

Using Power BI to visualize real time data from IoT Hub

Introduction Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools by Microsoft. It can be used to visualize and analyze data from hundreds of data sources and get insights into the data. This makes it useful for visualizing the data received by an IoT hub. We can make use of the various visualization options availableContinue reading “Using Power BI to visualize real time data from IoT Hub”

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